Newsletter – October – Spooky
Does that define your:
Office in General; your Files; your Business Card Pile; OR your Accounting records?
Does the real SCARE take place with you open closet doors; or look in the garage?
Despite all your bravery, good intentions, and efforts – Does it all remain the same …. Untouched?
Here are a few ideas that may help—-if you DARE….. Get STARTED with Just ONE Thing:
Office: Clean off your desktop – place items in their proper files; create a”To Review” file or box that holds odd papers you must address THIS WEEK. Set reminders (with notes) on your electronic calendar.
Accounting Records: It is Horrific that your business accounting records are housed in NO particular order. A simple way to handle receipts if you don’t have that many is to have an envelope that is either labeled with the month or the subject matter such as “Office Supplies/Equipment”; “Meals”; “Utilities”.
Business Cards: You attend events, meet people, collect business cards only to add them to a pile. Loads of ideas include: have a card file box that you keep in alpha order; use plastic sleeves in a notebook; scan into a contact management program; once a week manually type into an excel spreadsheet.
Closets /Garages and More — There are so many articles, ideas, advise and chats thus, the biggest Mystery is which to use. The short
list is: Look Up for additional storage; sweep or blow out debris; fix cracked concrete floor; check garage door for safety; if the garage is used as a workshop insure there is dedicated electrical circuit and an exhaust fan.
When you run Screaming from your organizational To Dos:
- 1) See the links below for inspiration
- 2) Take each project one stage at a time
- 3) Hire a professional to help assess the situation and create a plan that
fits your needs
31 Ideas to organize your office: and-diy-ideas-for-quality-office-organisation/
Record Maintenance: business-receipts-paperwork/
Business cards: organize-business-cards/
Garage storage ideas: organization/brilliant-ways-to-organize-your-garage/
K-Kan, Inc.
512-431-8069 | |