Corporate & Business
Corporate & Business
Are you creating a poor first impression, not responding to a client fast enough or simply losing time?
The Wall Street Journal has reported that the average business person loses one hour per day due to disorganization. That adds up to 20 non-productive hours per month. 80 % of papers in your filing cabinet will never be touched again; 60 % of the papers on your desk have little or no value and can be discarded; they have just piled up because you lack a system.
Avoid this with help from K-Kan professionals. We will provide business services which includes organizing your work space and files, creating or updating your storage area and filing systems. Kay can take that pile of receipts, invoices and bank statements place them in Quickbooks so that your CPA or other Tax Professional can file quarterly and end of year tax returns. Giving you the opportunity to focus on your vision.